Sunday, April 29, 2007

I saw Chinedu today. WTF? Where has he been? He disappeared without saying goodbye. I heard he was in the states and then I heard that he was in the UK.
After he graduated he just faded. I saw him at the cyber cafe. I almost passed out when I did. he was speaking to some chick who was obviously fresh out of secondary school and begging for attention. I saw him first and tried to beat a hasty retreat. He saw me and waved. i fled.
Why am i acting so stupid?


racquelle-cutie said...

hey girl chill next time you see him and don't act so obvious next time,if he waves, wave back and give him a calm smile

chidi said...

who is chinedu??? & y did you run out??

יש (Yosh) said...

haha, nice blog! Thanks for stoppig by...actually liked the earning "...Catwalq points", haha, cute!

Well, you have three blog names, so I had to think before I clicked on either of them to leave a comment, I had to choose this one since it seems it's d one u update more often...not?

Have a good week ahead...

UnNaked Soul said...

just cat walk to him and whisper to him these words "am horny" and then walk away... it will haunt him... lol

some shit i do for fun with my girlfriends.... lol

Ms. Catwalq said...

@ Chidi:Chinedu is my neighbour/ neighbour's son. I kind of have covered our history in previous posts.

@Racq-c: Men, you don't know our history men. that was the one i did all my experimenting with

@Yosh: u are so welcome. If u keep it up, there r more points where that came from

Ms. Catwalq said...

@Unnaked...I have a feeling you and he will just get along so well.
Randy, randy tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

hey girl.tanx 4 stopping at mine

Standing Truth Betold said...

hey, u did what i would've done- sometimes, u're just in so much shock u need to do just that- retreat

Unknown said...

if it were me i wud just stare at him blankly as if he did not exit and sashy away.